Olympian God Hades' Return Tickets are Priceless in the Underworld

Summary of Contents Hades in Mythology | Arrival and Appearance | Into the Underworld | Our Buried Dangers | Truth We Carry With Us | Educational Facility | Is Hades the Devil? | The Red Room | Not Everything is Bad
Festival Day - August 17 to 18
Olympian God Hades in Mythology
Hades is listed by Hesiod in his Theogony among the children of Titan god Cronus and goddess Rhea. Stories told of how creation was divided among three brothers: Poseidon assumed control of all the seas and oceans; Zeus ruled over everything else but the Underworld belonged to Hades.
Olympian God Hades Mythological references
Goddesses, Gods and You
What kind of Heaven do you expect. Soft fluffy paradise of eternity, or oblivion of nothingness? Out-of-body survival expert Margo Williams discovered a surprisingly simple system of management and afterlife recycling.
There are many goddesses and gods in the community. Speaking their name aloud evidently sends a signal; creates a link to wherever they are at any given moment. If it works for you as it worked for Margo, and they respond, be respectful but be yourself. Honesty and thoughtfulness are appreciated.
Sacrifice nothing but your time. Most of them seemed approachable and appreciated being remembered.
The ancient temples that still can be found in some places, although mostly broken, are huge monumental structures; impressive sacred spaces, their scale designed to impress, to be worthy of divine visitation.
However, it is not the size and splendour of any sacred space but the sincerity of the person seeking contact.

"Why and how would you contact Hades?" Nick Hammond asked out-of-body survivalist Margo Williams.
Hades' Arrival and Appearance
"I will answer the second part first. There were two requirements, notice of which came soon after starting this.
To make contact with Hades, strike the ground three times with a wooden staff. The second requirement was for me, a female, to cover my head with a scarf or cloth. The reason for which was never explained and still remains a mystery.
Bomp! Bomp! Bomp! Staff struck ground.
A sinkhole appeared in the floor, eight feet by eight. Tore itself open with a frightening cracking noise, and coughed up a cloud of damp, decay-ridden air. I peered over the edge.
My own name carried up from the black hole. I froze with fear. Something seized hold of my ankle, toppled me into the hole; yanked me down. I fell into darkness gasping for clean breath.
A pair of glowing red eyes appeared, like hot smouldering coals. A voice deep as earthquake sounded through the dark. "I would have been displeased had you not shown respect. You are scared to let yourself come toward me. Have courage," he said.
Into the Underworld
I felt solid ground beneath my feet. The burning coal eyes cast a lurid illumination over my body though little else of the surroundings.
"You think of me as living in Hell? There is no Hell here, Margaret. In the core of the earth there is fire, but look at this. There is much beauty."
The darkness evaporated as if a light switched on. We stood in an underground cavern of glittering crystal. His voice changed with surprising softness which made me turn to look at him. "Do you still fear me?"
"Yes," I answered.
He smiled, sharp-toothed. "You show courage," he laughed. "Come."
We travelled downward through narrow openings; into vaulted caverns the size of football stadiums; passed city-like galleries of stalagmite and stalactite; sometimes following underground rivers.
Hades’ body emanated light despite the untidy mass of black fur-hair and scales but that was not what illuminated the caverns through which we passed, though I could not see where the light came from that lit our way.
An earth-fall had caused a crack in the side of a rock face. It looked too small for him but ghost-like he passed through the stone, while dragging me through the aperture, then stopped.
Hades and Our Buried Dangers
As a toy doll I hung in his huge fist, surprised by what the illumination revealed: a man-made chamber stacked with large canisters packed around with earth. Yellow paint coating peeling off here and there to reveal white metal underneath.
Hades dangled me over a canister stack untroubled by my struggles and kicks to break free of his hold. "These are full of poisonous substance," he said. "Mortals think they are well sealed but they will leak and poison the earth for miles around."
He shook me as if it was my fault, each bone-rattling shake to emphasize displeasure.
"I do not want it in my Underworld. It will leak," he repeated. "In years to come mortals will suffer through this."
Hades inspected three more waste sites; each of them were huge dumps of drum containers buried deep. "But not safe," he complained, angrily. Then returned me to my world bearing his message.
The Truth We Carry With Us
Wednesday night. Staff struck ground.
"I am the mightiest." Hades appeared from a flash of light; a huge red-eyed mass of unkempt fur, scale and point-sharp teeth. "Other gods and goddesses share the earth and sky. I am the sole ruler of the Underworld."
Hades’ glowing coal eyes turned on me. "I am pleased you show me respect. This I am entitled to. Would you care to accompany me?" He gestured to the sinister black hole in the floor from which he arose.
"Come. I will show you something. We are going lower." He grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me down into the hole. "Come deeper. Come faster!"
No tour of underground caverns, this time; no detour into nuclear depository. Instead we arrived in a rock-hewn corridor faintly lit and five paces or so wide; noisy with terrifying sounds, and feverishly hot. I broke out with sweat.
Hades guided me to a small wooden door half-way along the corridor. It opened into an earth-floor chamber with rough stone walls. He shut the door behind us. The only furniture in the room was a wooden seat with rounded back and armrests, like an old-fashioned Captain’s Chair.
He lifted me in. "Look." Hades stepped away, pointed to what looked like a home-movie that projected onto the air between us.
A home-movie of a child playing alone, then a year older with others. But it was me, at different ages. As if someone had filmed me all that time. The years passed like fast-forward, but I couldn't see any projector. As if he had switched on my own memory-stream to playback.
"I show you your past," Hades said.
I wished it would stop. Mostly it was me with people, and I didn’t like what I saw. What he showed me were the moments I hoped to forget. My cruelty and unkindness to others, at different times in my life.
Hades watched. I wept, until finally the images flickered out and vanished. I wiped away the tears.
Hades' Educational Facility
I spent as much time in the Underworld as I did visiting Apollo’s gardens though was not permitted similar freedom to explore. The danger of serious personal loss was ever-present down there too, but in a different way.
However, I believe Hades showed me everything worth seeing. That was his test. So I discovered the Underworld is not a place for reunion but reincarnation is possible. It is where human alchemy happens.
Bad sounds come from behind the heavy wooden door at the end of the overheated corridor. The door opens into the great chamber, the factory floor of Hades’ facility.
In the world above - my world, our world - few people now believe in such a place. It cannot exist, some might say. It should not exist, must not exist. But it does.
"If you tremble, you will stay longer." Hades’ eyes bright with fire that night.
What I saw of Hades' facility needs a warning, something like the following:
Everyone accommodated in the Underworld had their own personal reason for being there but it seemed to me all shared a common cause. Those resident down there were not unbelievers in a Christian story, mostly they were predators, carelessly cruel to the vulnerable.
Some had triggered Hades' displeasure over fossil fuel extraction. And - like Ares and Athena - Hades had a low threshold tolerance of corruption.
Whatever it says in our so-called holy books about Hell and who will end up there so far as I could tell, no one is sent to Hades - or is excluded - for being or not being a member of any particular religion.
It is not the province of unbelievers or heretics or naughty girls who disobey their mother. It is open to people of every nation, race, creed and colour.
Any of us can be admitted there.
Everyone yields their own life memory-show projection for Hades’ and his Assessors’ inspection. It was, and undoubtedly still is, cruel in the Underworld, hellishly so. But there are no secrets. Only truth.
Is Hades the Devil?
"There is no need to hurry!" roared Hades. "Walk slowly."
I wanted to run. Sights, smoke and stench made me want to vomit. It was busy that night in the great chamber; lots of activity. I shut my eyes and tried not to think of what was sticking to my feet as I crossed the floor.
Hades didn’t stop in the chamber, he led me through a long stone corridor. Turned left and several paces later I stopped and stared at him. A ripple of golden light pulsed through his horrible body. "Come," he beckoned.
Silent I followed, to an ornate golden door. Hades waved it open.
I stepped into a refreshingly cool aired room of soft luxury carpet. Two big couches faced each other in the centre. Comfortable two-seaters each upholstered in dark maroon red velvet cloth with dark green tassel-edged cushions.
A low stone table between them, on top of which stood a bowl filled with fruit. Luscious ripe-smelling pears, juicy-looking apples, plums and grapes spilled over the edge.
Beside the bowl stood a golden jug and two goblets, and two triangle shaped plates of cakes. Delicious-looking, they smelled of marzipan.
Hades gestured for me to sit on a couch. He sat opposite, picked up the jug and poured into the two goblets, passed me one; his hands looked flesh-coloured and smooth.
I took the goblet but put it down on the table. Hades offered me a choice from the fruit bowl. "No, thank you," I said.
"You see how gentle I am?" he asked.
The Red Room
The transformation had happened quickly. Fur and scales melted into soft human-like skin; the unkempt mass of black fur hair remained dark above brow but now was tidy, slightly waved.
His face looked younger, the frown lines faded; eyes soft and sparkling green brown.
"Take some nourishment." Hades smiled; teeth looked normal, perfectly shaped.
I shook my head.
"Come, the fruit is delicious."
I stared at the bowl. Had never seen such lucious-looking fruit, and the marzipan aroma made my mouth water.
I had to look away. Room decor mostly red and gold, a deep carmine red, dark wine colour. The only other furniture were padded stools, placed here and there. A tall patterned vase stood in a corner; a thick red blanket lay folded on the floor.
The couches, elegant curved arc-shaped rounded backs with gold scroll-work at the edges. Claw-shaped legs of solid gold. I touched the table, polished onyx top on solid gold.
Fruit bowl was embossed with a decoration of entwined vine leaves, grapes and flowers; all in gold.
Not Everything is Bad in the Underworld
And that fruit shone with a promise of delicious satisfaction. Hades gestured again toward the fruit bowl. His offer was a test. I knew that.
Grapes spilled over the rim within close picking distance. He picked a grape and ate it, juicily.
"I am feared." He gesture-pointed. ‘Yet you have nothing to fear from me. You offer me wine and honour me; that is how it is. You obey my rules, head covered; use a stick. Bow your head before me, eyes cast down."
"Strange it may seem to you, yet to me it is important. You show respect, therefore you please me. You know the truth, and do not do as the Christians do, and use my name as the Devil."
My mother had told me exactly that. She also said I would go to Hell for all my naughtiness.
Hades grinned like he saw that distant condemnation. "But if it is in ignorance and they are willing to learn about me, then I will forgive them. I am not the Devil, I am a God. Never think badly of me. It is my work to educate souls away from their evil ways, and as you know, I get many."
He gestured me to rise. "Come, not everything is bad in the Underworld."
Thank you for your company on this short introduction to god Hades. If you would like to know more about Margo Williams' experiences and suggestions for how to survive in the Underworld read this book. Now available from Amazon.