Goddess Theia on Choice and the Wisdom of Inner Vision

Summary of contents: Theia in Mythology | Arrival and Appearance | Escape Room Problems | Pull the Red Cord | Open Doors are Dangerous Too | Impossible Choice What to Do
Festival Day - 23 February
Theia in Mythology
Goddess Theia is listed by poet Hesiod in Theogony among the Titan siblings, daughter of Gaea and Uranus; sister of Cronus and Rhea.
Ancient texts link her as patron goddess of sight and vision.
Since their overthrow by Zeus and banishment down in the depths of the Underworld, so Hesiod's story of creation told, the Titans were not present to generate information by way of legend.
Goddesses, Gods and You
What kind of Heaven do you expect. Soft fluffy paradise of eternity, or oblivion of nothingness? Out-of-body survival expert Margo Williams discovered a surprisingly simple system of management and afterlife recycling.
There are many goddesses and gods in the community. Speaking their name aloud evidently sends a signal; creates a link to wherever they are at any given moment. If it works for you as it worked for Margo, and they respond, be respectful but be yourself. Honesty and thoughtfulness are appreciated.
Sacrifice nothing but your time. Most of them seemed approachable and appreciated being remembered.
The ancient temples that still can be found in some places, although mostly broken, are huge monumental structures; impressive sacred spaces, their scale designed to impress, to be worthy of divine visitation.
However, it is not the size and splendour of any sacred space but the sincerity of the person seeking contact.
Anywhere can be a temple.

"A Titan goddess?" Nick Hammond asked out-of-body survivalist Margo Williams.
Theia Arrival and Appearance
"No goddess or god ever used that title 'Titan' to describe themselves. However, some in that Hesiod category described themselves as 'Olympian', which was a surprise.
Theia arrived as twin vibrant columns of royal blue brilliance glittering in the air. They fused together into female outline. Features formed, sapphire blue eyes, fair hair and skin white as alabaster.
Blue wrapped around body to form a long loose-flowing gown. Last of its light turned golden as sandals.
Theia easily matched Crius and Coeus' presence. Not in giant monstrosity but majesty. She stood tall, splendid and regal as an empress of the universe.
"I have been forgotten, yet now it seems you remember me," she said, coldly. "I choose to show myself as you see me. I am a mighty goddess."
She looked a mighty goddess. Theia told me what she could do.
"I can change to be younger, or older, or hideous. Or more beautiful." She gestured with graceful long fingers. "But I do not waste my time or energy changing shape, like some. This is how I am, and will be. It is not necessary to become huge."
She stared down at me, as if inspecting a curious new insect species.
"I see you have a silver body. Even so, I have to make a test to prove your sincerity. And to see how wise you are." Graceful she took hold of my wrist but her hold felt harsh when she pulled me away.
Escape Room Problems
We arrived outside a wide square stone door of a plain stone building.
Heavily it opened without any gesture from her. She waved me to enter first into a long marble-lined passage. Windowless, it felt like a tomb-house when the door closed behind us.
Silent Theia led along the corridor to the end, a solid stone wall.
She pressed finger to the marble, though I saw no button. A section of wall heaved open to reveal a medium-sized chamber. She pushed me hard inside.
The stone door crunched back into place, to isolate me alone in the windowless vault.
It smelled musty, thin stale air; no furniture only a small struggling burning rush torch for light. Wondering what she expected of me I looked for a clue but saw nothing except two tasselled silk cords hanging from the ceiling.
One of gold, one silver.
‘This is easy,’ I thought guessing those would open the door, and so grabbed the thick gold cord and pulled.
A solid stone wall slid down and cut the room in half.
Pull the Red Cord
I banged on the wall to alert Theia to the problem but that made no sound and only bruised my hand. ‘Pull the other cord.’
Gold was too obvious.
I pulled the silver cord. A second stone wall partition crunched down, halving the chamber again.
Panicked, I searched for button or lever but found nothing. Pushed and pressed and leaned shoulder to stone but it would not move.
Breathing became difficult, not enough air; the chamber felt like a d..th vault.
There! I saw something.
A thin red cord, barely visible hung in the shadow of the corner. It looked different to the others. I considered the choice. ‘Don’t pull that cord.’
But saw nothing else. ‘Pull it. Don’t pull it. Do something or d.e!’
I did nothing. Gasping for every tiny breath.
Expected to d.e.
Open Doors are Dangerous Too
Last gasp of stale air, the walls and ceiling scraped back with a grinding of heavy stone on heavy stone as the partitions pulled away.
Theia stood in the doorway. "You were wise not to pull the third cord. You would have stayed in there for ever."
Impossible to gauge if she was joking or not.
"Come," she beckoned. "Now you will choose the test."
Theia led me back along the marble corridor to the big stone entrance door. She pressed finger to stone. "Will it be this?" The door opened.
Surprisingly, it opened onto nothing. Beyond the entrance was rock. I peered out. It was the base of a deep hole, for I saw sky a long way high above.
To climb up would require straddling, but it looked impossibly dangerous. Almost sheer surfaces. No crevices or ledges. I stepped back.
"No?" asked Theia. The door shut. "Or this?"
She touched the door again and surprise, it opened onto a raging forest fire. Air hot and noisy with a roar of flame, crackle and smoke. Every tree ablaze.
Impossible to survive. Ferocious heat scorched me even sheltering in the doorway. I stepped back, the door closed and then opened again.
Impossible Choice? What to Do
A dark cave entrance in a mountainside.
This time she didn’t give opportunity for assessment, Theia pushed me hard in the back so I staggered several steps; fell down a steep slope into the cavern.
The ground shook and heaved, rock chunks loosened in the cavern roof and crashed down around me. The choices were d..th by crushing, entrapment inside. Or run for my life.
I barely managed to scramble back through the door to safety.
"Which test will you choose?" asked Theia.
"I cannot make the choice," I replied, breathing hard. Each option was deadly. "If I have to take one of the tests, it would be up to you, mighty one."
"Wise," she nodded. "I will make the choice. The choice is…" She paused. I waited; feared all three but tried to anticipate how best to survive any of those horrendous ordeals.
Still she didn’t choose.
"You return," she said at last. "There is really no need for this. I know you are worthy. It is expected I should be cruel. I am not. Unless someone angers me. I am happy at present, therefore gentle."
She smiled for the first time, revealing a set of sharp pointed teeth.
I lifted my head, surprised by the compliment.
"That’s right," she said. "Stand up, stand up to everyone. You have crawled too much in your life. You need crawl no longer." Theia gestured. "I give you the gift of courage to face those who deem it necessary to test you.
And I give you my blessing."
Thereafter, Theia’s tests stopped.
Thank you for your company on this introduction to the goddess Theia. If you would like to know more about Margo Williams' experiences and suggestions for how to survive in the hereafter, read this book. Now available from Amazon.